When you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, powerless to do anything:
“[D]o not worry. I know you do this a lot, because you cannot help everyone you want to. You must realize, you being you is enough…Your kind and gentle personality saved me, not to mention your spiritual side as well. You were kind of like a god-send to me in a way…do not be depressed because you cannot save the entire world. Just be happy that there are others like you to help you save others, just like you saved me.”
You being you is enough. Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t.
Pray for strength and peace
Begin in your homes
Love your family
Pour into the young
Pour into the elderly
Pour into everyone needs it
(Don’t we all?)
Listen with your mind, heart, ears wide open.
Handwrite a note for once
Remember the name of the woman who bags your groceries
The janitor at your school
Learn their story
Tell them yours
Get to know your neighbor across the street
Give a compliment to a stranger
Advocate for the last and the least
Share the Gospel
Embody your faith
Remember that Christ already took the weight of it all so you didn’t have to
He gives strength to the weary
Power to the weak
Do what you can
Leave the rest up to Him
You are enough.