When The One You Love is Hurting
To Grandpa, and you, who is hurting.
What are you to do when the one that you love is hurting and you can’t do a single thing to help ease their pain?
You can’t make them happy, you can’t make them hope, you can’t make them believe that life is worth living.
I can’t make you feel these things. I can’t share your burdens with you.
i feel,
But please remember, I will be here for you.
I will climb mountains and cross oceans for you. I will give my heart to you when your heart is too heavy and broken to beat on its own. I will sit with you when you too
feel helpless
no appetite to eat
ready for the grave to take you
pain that can’t be quantified
i will be here for you. sometimes i try to put myself in your shoes, imagining what it must feel like to suddenly (it seems) lose all control of your body from the neck down. i think of the man from Les Intouchables. i’ve watched it twice but it doesn’t hit twice as hard until it happens to someone you care about. you.
i hate to see you hurting. invisible to the eye, exposed by its effect on you. i’m sorry you have to go through this. i couldn’t imagine how it feels.
i, too, ask God why. I know with my head, but my heart still cries out why? why, Lord, why?
As I cry out to the Lord, I hope you know you can do the same. Death may seem sweeter than any honey in this world, but there must be a reason why He’s withholding it from you. i too, do not understand.
I ask God to help me believe that things will work out for the better. I hope you can learn to find the same hope and comfort I find in Christ. When I cross oceans and climb mountains for you, it’s only through the Grace, Strength and Power of God that I can do any of it. So, I will be your personal prayer warrior, I will pray for you, I will fight for and with you when you have energy no more.
You are never alone. God is with you. He weeps when you weep. He laughs when you laugh. He suffers when you suffer. With a love so profound beyond the confines of human words. He cares for you, carrying you during your darkest hours. Doing more than what I could ever do for you.