Frustrations from the heart
Today is one of those days.
Today is just one of those days when I can’t seem to get it together.
When everything is a blur
Come to school late
Can’t find parking
Skip class one
Skip class two
Lord, what is wrong with me
Today is one of those days
Last night i felt like i was all over the place
reading the news
free speech
why does the world suck
hurricane maria
Lord why
Lord help me
but in these moments i forget how You have redeemed
how You have redeemed me from the depth of hell
the pits of destruction
how you rescued me from despair and desolation
Lord you are good
You are so dang good to me and i don’t deserve any of it
i don’t deserve it
but you love me
you give me the strength when i have nothing
you fill me up when i’m empty
after time
after time
You rejuvenate me
You revive me
Lord, You revive me
You calm me
You comfort me in my distress
You give me Hope
Though my outer self is wasting away
My inner self is being renewed day by day
Renewed day by day
Transform me
Mold me
Make me into who You want me to me
Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind
we do not lose heart
we keep on eyes fixed so solidly on what is unseen
casting away all the obstacles and hinderances that obstruct us
for what is seen is temporary
and what is unseen is eternal
lasting forever
for His Kingdom glory
for humility is not thinking less of myself
but of myself less
thank You Lord
for allowing me to focus on You and You alone
For keeping me away from the antics of the devil
You are so good
You are so good to me
May i lean upon You in all things
Lord You deserve all the glory
i work for You
Whatever I do
May it be for your glory
Not the glory of men
Thank You Lord Jesus.