my worth

The art of becoming.
1 min readDec 30, 2020

my worth isn’t dependent on what other people think of me

not my accomplishments


ability to bounce back and go through trials and tribulations

to be strong

to be brave yet vulnerable

my worth is innate

given by my Creator

who breathed breath and life into my lungs

when i am down

and feel trapped

when i don’t feel safe

i can get into really dark places

i forget what makes life worth living

i want it to all be over

to take a soma and sleep it all off

sleep until the winter is over

hibernate in a cave

i hate feeling sad, trapped and depressed

i hate feeling alone and misunderstood

i hate feeling sometimes

but perhaps feeling has its purpose

its reason

i may not understand it now

but perhaps the sad is a way for us to appreciate the joys in life

if we don’t feel the deep down lows

how can we truly appreciate and know the highs?


it will be ok

do what you can

you can express your feelings

it’s ok

they may not agree with you

think you’re crazy


or a lunatic

and that’s ok too

know your worth, my friend

know your worth, my sister

know your worth, Rachel

know your worth

you are worthy

because He has made you worthy



The art of becoming.

Journey with me in discovering layer by layer the art of becoming who we dream and were created to be. 🌱🕊🌻