learning to say no
learning to say no is hard
especially when you care a lot about what people think
and care about being “successful”
having a competitive edge over other people
in the crazy job hunt
when you want to demonstrate your worth through your works
though we don’t explicitly admit or state it
it’s true
we want to prove to our communities, our family, our friends,
to our selves that we indeed can achieve the difficult
that we indeed can be a “good person” by investing ourselves in these
volunteer projects
community projects
school projects
in this we forget
we forget who we are
who forget that we are projects ourselves
we are human afterall
it takes time to be molded and built
it takes time to grow
to become your “dream self”
but is becoming your dream self ever really attainable?
there’s always something that can be better
we can always be better
it’s like an endless chasing after the wind
we can get close, but if our “dream self” is all that we wish to attain in this life
it will never be enough.
yet we continue to strive
and be content in the moment
work out our dreams day by day
never losing losing sight of what is surely to come
we fix our eyes on Hope
clinging ever so tightly
we hold fast
learning to say no
is hard
but sometimes you have to do it
because you need to take care of yourself
you need to take care of yourself, Rachel
take care of your health
your physical health
mental health
emotional health
spiritual health — from which all things derive
take care of yourself, Rachel
saying no now does not mean you have to say it again later
saying no now will allow you to say yes later
it’s okay to say no
you can do it
say no
yes do live to your full potential
live life to the fullest
but make sure the “fullest” doesn’t end up leaving you empty
because you have no more energy left
take care of yourself, Rachel
from me to you
or you to you
take care of yourself.