Goodbye, Year 22.
Year 22 was a year of alotta things. A year that wasn’t easy nor perfect by any means. But I must say it was the most fulfilling, because it’s the most I’ve grown in the span of a year. A friend would almost always write in his birthday wishes to me: “May your year be filled with as many triumphs as it does challenges… that you may grow from everyone, regardless of the outcome.” I remember reading this, and thinking to myself, I get it…… but wait, challenges?? You’re wishing challenges upon me?!?!
But I think I finally get it. This year I’ve experienced the greatest internal and external battles I’ve ever experienced. But somehow in the midst of all this chaos, I’ve learned to be thankful for every single bit of it.
This year was a year of firsts. The first time I felt the urgency and desire to fast (to figure out where God wanted me after college). The first time I took a 4.5 hour road trip by myself. The first time I witnessed a close friend marrying her other half.
It was also a year of a discomfort. Going to law school. Willingly parting with one of my most valued identifiers of beauty (hair). And surprisingly, going Chinese church by choice (which led me to an endearing group that readily absorbed me into their family).
And a year of blessing. Though I’ve met many different kinds of people throughout my life, this year, it seems like I’ve interacted with most diverse bunch in my years. I was able to see the iridescence of humanity around me. First-hand. Let’s pause a bit at the word iridescence. I was watching some random movie trailer, while (what seemed like) a wise old man says: “Every once in a while, you find someone who is iridescent… and when you do, nothing will ever compare.” I had to look up the word to make sure I knew what it exactly meant, but even before I did, the mere vocalization of the word is beautiful. It sounds like the magical whisper of wind chimes when a gentle breeze passes by. Perhaps it’s because now I know its meaning, but there’s some sense of awe that comes with this word. As with humanity. We sure do mess up a lot, but even compared against all the possessions in the world, nothing beats the iridescence of human connection.
As with Jesus. Now, His iridescence surpasses all confines of human knowledge and experience. He’s the reason why I am still alive today, not dwelling on my past failures and struggles, but marching forward confidently in His light. So many times I have asked Him, why… many a times He didn’t respond immediately, so in these moments, I learned faithful patience… to wait upon the Lord when you can’t see what He’s doing. I learned (and am certainly still learning) diligence. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. So many periods I felt miserable and wanted to give up, but as treading water for your dear life, I had to tread water for mine, with my eyes not drifting to the waves, but fixed upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith.
I don’t know how else to put it, but even in the thick of all these turbulent waves, with Christ as my constant, I was able to feel most alive. This year I’ve really discovered more myself. Who I am and who I am, as a daughter of Christ. I thank God for both the blessings and challenges. Never thought I would get to this point, but I am.
So, how will you embrace both the blessings and challenges in your life today?
To make things easier, here’s challenge for you ;) —
Think to yourself, if you had unlimited resources, how would you make the world a better place? Do a little research (hElloO Google) and wait for it… DO IT. Seriously, in spite of all the jadedness and what-ifs, you REALLY do have the ability to affect SOME change. Maybe not a change you would see in a day’s work, but CHANGE nonetheless. There’s no sense to put it off any longer.
(Related side note: a great site to see where your moola goes when you donate.)
The world is at your feet.