Be patient with thyself, it takes time.

It takes time for a winged bird to learn to fly
It takes time
It takes time for a dream to crawl, walk and hit the ground running
It takes time
Be patient
Change doesn’t happen in a day
To make potted thyme grow, you need good soil, sun and water
Maybe a little Beethoven or Debussy
Give it what it needs
But after a while, all you can do is
Sit back and wait
My child, my child
It takes time
Do what you are meant to do
Be kind and have courage
Love thy neighbor as thyself and
Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength
Do what you can
Be a light in the darkness
Don’t be so hard on yourself
No one is perfect
Everyone has problems and room to grow
Focus on how you are to grow
Give yourself grace as you extend grace and compassion to others
When you remind others, remind yourself also:
It takes time
Do not lose heart
Be of good courage
Though your outer self wastes away
Your inner self is being renewed day by day
God is faithful
He is just
He will never leave nor forsake you
He has been there for you through your anxiety, doubts, and bouts of depression
Has He ever left your side?
In your most difficult of times, He didn’t just walk alongside you
He carried you.
Forget not, my child — who you are and who He is
The Great I AM
A three lettered name that needs no further explanation
“I AM who I AM,” He says.
Do not be afraid.
Be still,
And know
Be still,
And know that
I AM God.
Inspired by this poem I read long, long ago and the poetry of the God-breathed Word.